Better Offer?

The things I do – whilst waiting for a better offer!

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Cat In The Hat

I have pretty much always had a cat as part of the family since I was about 8 years old.  And for the last twenty years, I have always had at least two.

If you have read some of my posts over the last couple of years, you may well have picked up on the fact that I am not a great lover of dogs.  That is probably due, in part, to my encounters with what I have described as fur balls, mangy mutts or large rats.  Hardly surprising, I think you’ll agree.

I enjoy a good laugh at the expense of the owners who carry their little darlings so that they don’t get too tired.  Or worse still, put them in baskets on wheels!  And don’t get me started on the little blankets or coats they wear.

However, with the clothing thought in mind, I think it only fair that I redress (no pun intended!) the balance.

It has come to my attention that in America (where else?), a fashion designer has created a range of clothes for cats.  I kid you not.  The lady in question, a New Yorker, began creating the stylish outfits in her spare time.  She has now designed a whole range of clothing and accessories for fashionable felines.  The range, which includes hats, scarves, top hats and bow ties has become so popular, the designer admitted she has struggled to cope with the overwhelming consumer demand.

There is a website (which I’m not going to publicise here as it is surely cruel to dress cats up!) on which the collection is displayed.  Not, I hasten to add, displayed by simple pictures of the clothes.  No, the designer’s cat is ‘modelling’ them!  The designer, who admits that not all cats are fans of dressing up, thinks

“most cats prefer to be naked, in their own fur, of course.  My own cat, an Abyssinian, is extremely curious and wants to be involved in anything I’m doing”.

The designer goes on to say about her cat

“He actually sits down and poses now, which is really funny. He gives these bored model faces that are hysterical”.

Well, judge for yourself.  In this picture, I think the cat is saying “Stop pointing that camera at me and get this ridiculous hat off my head!”

Cat In A Hat

Stop pointing that camera at me and get this ridiculous hat off my head!

And in this one, it is either roaring like a lion to warn off anyone from attempting to dress it further, or it is totally bored with dressing up.

Cat In A Collar

How much longer do I have to pose?

Both of my cats are currently giving me the evil eye cats seem to have the knack of so easily doing, as if to say “come anywhere near me with clothes and my teeth and my claws will be sunk so far into your manhood, you’ll wish you never found that website!”.

I wonder what Dr Seuss would have made of this?  Perhaps he had the original idea!


Squeeze once sang it’s cool for cats – they obviously hadn’t seen these clothes!